Friday, December 16, 2011

Sharing about Internet Safety

I talked with my parents, who are in their upper 50s and lower 60s, about what I learned on internet safety. My mom is a seminary teacher for Juniors in high school and my dad is the Stake Young Men's President. They both work with youth and I thought that they would appreciate learning a little more about internet safety.

I told them about the documentary I watched on FRONTLINE. I also sent them the link in case they wanted to watch it too. I told them about the different stories that were told about people who encountered safety issues with the internet. They were intrigued by the stories and though they were very interesting. We also talked about identity safety on the internet and how you should change your passwords and not give out too much information. I told them that as they worked with the youth, it would be good for them to be aware of the hazards of the internet and they agreed that it was very important. We had a good discussion and I think it helped to be able to talk about it out loud with other people.

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